Term and Conditions - 15.04.2024

User agreement
This user agreement regulates the relationship between the Site Administration https://celetaris.org (hereinafter referred to as the Site) and the users of the site on the use of the Site, on the posting of comments on the site and the use of Site materials.
Please read this Agreement and the rules carefully before using the Site.
You must comply with the terms of the Agreement and the rules by accessing this Site, using its content and any services offered on the Site.
If you do not agree with the terms of the Agreement and the rules, you may not use the Site or use its content, any services offered on it, as well as visit pages hosted in the domain zone of the Site.
• General provisions
• Copyright
• Dispute resolution
• Comments on the website
• Other provisions
1. General provisions
1.1. The Website is a publicly accessible information resource for users and carries out its activities in compliance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1.2. The relations related to the use of the Site are governed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this User Agreement.
1.3. The User Agreement is a public offer. Starting using the Site, the user automatically joins the User Agreement and fully accepts its terms.
1.4. The Site Administration may change the User Agreement at any time at its discretion.
1.5. If the user does not agree with the User Agreement or with its separate terms, he is obliged to stop using the Site and any of its materials.
2. Copyright
2.1. The exclusive copyrights to the site, its name, articles and other works posted on the site belong to the Site Administration.
2.3. Any use of articles from the Site, as well as any other materials, including reproduction and distribution by any means, public display, making available to the public, copying (complete and partial), translation, alteration, is prohibited without the consent of the copyright holder (Site Administration).
2.4. The citation of articles is possible in compliance with the conditions specified in clause 2.5. of the User Agreement.
2.5. When quoting any articles from the Website on the Internet, a link to the original source is required in the form of an active link to the article that is not closed from indexing by search engines. When quoting articles from the Site in print media, a link to the Site is required.
3. Dispute settlement
3.1. The Site Administration has a negative attitude towards copyright infringement of published materials and, for its part, makes every possible effort to prevent such violations on the Site.
3.2. If you are the author or copyright holder of exclusive rights, including the exclusive right to reproduce, publicly display, make available to the public, and you believe that your rights are somehow violated by using the Site, we ask you to immediately contact the Site Administration by email.
3.3. According to the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Site Administration is ready to consider any controversial issues within the framework of a pre-trial (claim or other) settlement procedure.
3.4. To do this, you must send the Site Administration a scanned letter signed by the Copyright Holder or his authorized representative, in which you specify the following data:
• information about the object of copyright (the name of the work or product, a document confirming the ownership or copyright of the image, etc.);
• information about the Copyright Holder (for a legal entity — full name of the organization, legal address, scan of the document on state registration; for an individual — full name, passport data);
• information about the representative of the Copyright Holder who signed the letter (full name, position, scan of the power of attorney, for the General director — a scan of the order/protocol of appointment);
• the address of the Site page where the materials are located, the rights to which belong to the Copyright Holder;
• description of the nature of the violation of rights (why the dissemination of this information is prohibited by the Copyright Holder);
• date, signature;
• contact information: phone, e-mail.
3.5. The Site Administration considers the application within a period not exceeding 10 (ten) calendar days. If the Site Administration recognizes the appeal as justified, then the relevant materials will be removed from the Site immediately.
3.6. The Site Administration pursues infringement of its copyrights, including in court.
3.7. If you want to use any works located on the site, you must contact the Site Administration to obtain consent. Otherwise, the use of the works will be illegal, and the Site Administration reserves the right to file a claim as part of the pre-trial settlement of the dispute or in court.
4. Comments on the website
4.1. Users can leave comments on the site. In the comments, users can express their opinions and disseminate any facts, with the exception of those prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as paragraph 4.3. of the User Agreement.
4.2. The user is responsible for the content and form of the information contained in the comment. The User guarantees the Site Administration that all information contained in the left comment is reliable.
4.3. User comments are pre-moderated and published on the site after approval by the Site Administration.
4.4. The Site Administration has the right to delete, edit, change comments at its discretion without explaining the reasons to the authors of the comments. The Administration deletes any comments that do not comply with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and/or paragraphs 4.5. and 4.6. of this user agreement.
4.5. Comments on the site are prohibited, which contain:
• insults and slander, false information is disseminated,
• information about private life, personal and family secrets,
• profanity,
• statements of an extremist nature,
• advertising, commercial offers, links to other Internet sites;
• spam and trolling.
4.6. Comments that violate the intellectual property rights of third parties are not allowed.
5. Other provisions
5.1. The User is solely responsible to third parties for his actions related to the use of information from the Site.
5.2. The User agrees that the articles on the site are accompanied by advertisements. The Site Administration does not bear any responsibility and does not have any obligations in connection with such advertising.
5.3. The User is prohibited from performing actions aimed at disrupting the normal operation of the Site.
5.4. The User is warned that the Site Administration is not responsible for visiting and using external sites linked to on the Site.
You do not have the right to use the Site's features and visit pages located in the domain name area https://celetaris.org in case of disagreement with this agreement and the Rules, please leave our site immediately.

Any questions can be emailed to support@celetaris.org.